So apparently I had a major case of the blues last week when I wrote my last blog. Lots of people told me that I made them cry - and to each of you I am sorry. Therefore, this blog is dedicated to all things happy. And while I'm at it, this blog is also dedicated to all things NOT baby. I used to say I would not be one of those moms who only talks about my kid(s) - although now that I am getting ready to have one of my own I don't see how that's possible. But, looking back over the last 6 months it seems that that is the only thing I have been talking about. So Grady when you read this mommy loves you, but I need to talk about other things too.
After over a year of pleading my case, the hubs finally gave in and we (I) bought a "big girl" camera. I'm so excited about it and haven't been able to put it down since I bought it. And no, I did NOT venture out on Black Friday for an insane deal. (But I would have if it weren't for this HUGE belly I'm rocking these days!) I researched myself to death (sidenote - right now Meghan and Sarah are laughing out loud because I am overzealous when it comes to researching and planning.) One might even call me a control freak. Anywho, after copious amounts of research and pining over what camera was better, etc., I finally made my decision. Drumroll...... I bought the Canon Rebel T2i 18 MP. I LOVE IT! Here's some fun pics of the men in my life whom I absolutely adore.
Not too shabby! I took these down at the beach behind our house. Don't you just want to squeeze Porter? I can't believe he's going to be 9 in two months. He still acts like a spring chicken though! Dave has his classic "I hate when you make me do this" expression in this pic, and I can't stop laughing.
Back to all things happy, here's my top 10 things that make me happy list (in no particular order):
1. Dave and Porter
2. I can drink wine again very soon
3. Family and friends
4. Girl Scout Cookies
5. My new Camera
6. I can drink wine again very soon
7. Christmas movies on TV all of the time right now
8. Where I live - I'm such a water baby
9. I can drink wine again very soon
10. Looking at old albums, especially from the college days. Can't help but laugh out loud every time I do (and I can drink wine again very soon!)
Come back and see what I've been working on... CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS!