Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 31, 2011

36 Weeks and counting...

With 2012 quickly approaching, lots of changes are headed our way. I'm 36 weeks now and feeling pretty over it already. So, I decided to cash in on my gift card for a massage my awesome sisters got me (a long time ago.) I must admit I was a bit scepticle about having a massage - I've never had one before. But, if there was ever a time I could use one now is the time. I had a maternity massage and all I have to say is WOW. I walked out of that place smiling and on cloud 9. That's the most relaxed I have ever been. I felt like the guy from Office Space who was hypnotized. I can't wait for my second massage, and third, etc. No really, it was the most amazing hour ever. The only thing that could have made it better was if I was able to fall asleep during it. But, I'm was so nervous I was going to pee myself or something worse being that totally relaxed so I forced myself to stay awake. Oh well, maybe next time!

Dave and I both had off this week (from Christmas to New Years) and have been on "staycation". It has been amazing. I'm not sleeping well at all these days so being about to get up and lay in bed til whenever and take a nap mid-day has been awesome. The only bad thing is knowing I'm headed back to work next week. Yikes, I'm not sure how the heck I'm going to do this until Grady comes. Thank God I married an amazing man because Dave has totally stepped up to the plate and then some. I don't have to ask for help, he just gets up and cleans the bathrooms, or vacuums, or makes me dinner. He's the best!

So, here's what I'm looking like these days - oh my!

Til next time!



Monday, December 26, 2011

Project Nursery - Almost Complete

Well Grady's nursery has evolved so much in the past few months. Originally I was going with gray and mustard yellow colors, which changed to gray and neutrals, which then changed to light gray and navy and lime green, and finally I found whales. I have to say this little guy's room turned out pretty darn cute. I hope you think so too!

Not quite finished yet - working on some frames for the wall

Also not quite finished

I don't even know where to start. I had my sister-in-law, Ali, paint the whale frames - but I didn't know what I wanted. So I gave her free creative range and this is what she came up with...

It's absolutely perfect. It is exactly what I had envisioned but couldn't put into words. She is so incredibly talented. And its even more special to know how much love went into this for Grady. Thank you so much Aunt Ali - you are the best!

And the mobile, I am just so thrilled with how this turned out. My amazing friend Megan made this, again I gave total creative freedom. I sent her a picture of the whale blanket I had made and she created this awesome mobile...

Here's her blog She is absolutely amazing!!! Megan, I can't thank you enough!

Once again, Dave and I are overwhelmed with the love and support we have from family and friends. We hope everyone knows how much we love and treasure our relationships with you! It brings so much warmth to my heart knowing how much Grady is loved already. We can't wait to welcome him into our lives!



Merry Christmas

I hope everyone had a wonderful and Merry Christmas. We certainly did. Although it's hard having to switch every year from my family to Dave's for holidays, it's still nice to be with family nonetheless! This year was nice and quiet Christmas - just what I needed. We've been very busy with Christmas parties and work, so a little quiet time was essential. 

It was also exciting knowing that this time next year we'll have a little guy to spoil rotten under the tree, I mean Santa will spoil rotten. And speaking of Santa, wouldn't you know he stopped by our house and left a little something under the tree for Grady? That Santa, he's too much!
And he didn't forget his buddy Porter...
We had a really fun time with Dave's parents and Katie, Dan and Ryan. Ryan is 2 and is starting to get the whole gift idea. Although we hear he is not quite into Santa. Here are a few pics of Ryan having fun with presents...
Don't you just love his sweater vest!

Ryan put himself and "Baby Grady" and down for a nap in the middle of opening gifts
Cheers to a Happy New Year! Stay tunned for nursery pics!



Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tis the season...for burlap and cookies

I am the first to say I am very uncrafty. I think of really good ideas, but the execution is kind of sad. But, i'm trying. I'd love to learn to sew, but I am miles away from tackling that. So for now, its me and my glue gun...and my serious obsession with burlap. I mean it, it might be a problem how much I LOVE burlap. Focus. Okay, here's my little Christmas project.
I purchased a plain wreath from Michaels and wrapped it in burlap.
I grabbed some fun fabric from Joanne's and made these rosettes. (God bless my glue gun)

And the finished project. See, I told you I'm not crafty but I am proud of my little wreath. 

I am, however, a pretty damn good baker and I LOVE baking. Every other Christmas I make about 8 different kinds of cookies and treats and pass them out. Well this was so not an option this year. So instead, why not throw a cookie swap party? It turned out really good (sorry, I forgot I own an awesome new camera and didn't take any pictures). But, I think if I see another cookie I may get sick. I think next year we'll make a lot less cookies. Baking 8 dozen is a little tiring. Especially this pregnant...

I know, its getting really big! Officially on the 5 week countdown :)



Monday, December 12, 2011

Strike 2

I'm not sure if I shared with you our first attempt at birthing classes. So, let me break it down now. We signed up for the 4 week birthing class (I say we but really I signed up and begged Dave to go). Having no idea that each of the four classes was 2 and a half hours long, we went to the first class thinking we would be done in an hour, hour and a half tops. Dead wrong! The class was way too informative for my liking and it took everything in us to last through the first class - almost 3 hours long. Especially when the instructor took out the balloon and ping pong ball! When the class finally ended and we walked to our car, we both said at the same time "no way are we going back". So, we dropped out of birthing class. I feel like maybe too much information is just that - too much information. The one thing we both felt was most important to know, however, was the best route to the birthing center at the hospital. So, I signed us up for the maternity tour. I had envisioned a quiet one hour tour, maybe with a few other couples, and lots of ahhs as we walked around seeing the rooms and catching glimpses of new babies. Well, not so much. We got to the lobby of the hospital and 6-8 couples were waiting for the tour to start. Great. Then 10-12 other couples showed up, and a nurse announced that due to planning changes in the birthing class schedule, the tour is now combined. Awesome. Remember how I just told you we dropped out of birthing class? Well, the class that was combined with our tour was the same class we dropped out of with the same instructor. We can't win! Just as the tour started, a man quickly escorted his very-much-in-serious-pain pregnant wife through the hallway and into the birthing center. I can honestly say I've never heard a moan like that woman had. Reality check! As all 40 tour participants waited for elevators (Dave and I elected to take the stairs), I knew right off the bat this was not going to be the special tour I had envisioned. As the nurse/tour guide gathered the herd before entering the labor and delivery floor, we ended up standing next to a very strange couple, who I am sure are very nice people in their own right, but strange nonetheless. All of the sudden mid-way through the nurse's speach about something I am sure was important but we couldn't hear, the woman next to me started talking to her husband/fiance/baby daddy and I swear I almost hit the floor. Ever seen the movie Poltergeist? OMG - creepiest tiny high pitched voice ever and it still gives me the creeps. The lady next to me, with the strange man, had that exact voice. Now I know from past experience in group settings with Dave that if I had turned around at that very moment and looked at Dave, we would have laughed out loud. So, I instead made the mature decision to focus on the nurse and try to forget about what was happening next to me. Unfortunately, Dave took the not-so-mature route and started laughing under his breath. Oh Lord, its on now. I can't leave my man hanging like that, so I start in. Now the both of us are hysterically laughing, trying to be as quiet as possible. I have dubbed this the "Church laugh". It's the one where you start ever so quietly and it gets louder and louder and you end up making a weird squeak sound too, and whatever made you initially laugh is now even more funny because it is wildly inappropriate for you to be laughing in the first place. This is not the first time this has happened to Dave and I (sighing as I remember our marriage prep classes - that was a really bad laughing episode also). However, this IS the first time this has happened to us and I am 8 months pregnant. During my fit of laughter, I all of the sudden had an extremely horrifying fear that I was either going to pee myself or fart uncontrolably. Not that this has happened yet in my pregnancy, but if it were to happen I can assure you it would happen in a public setting. After what felt like an eternity, we were finally able to become adults again and control ourselves. That was the highlight of the tour. Oh well, at least we know where we need to go when it's business time!

Life is moving really fast these days, especially with the holidays upon us. Normally I'd be running around all over God's creation finding the perfect gift, but this year is very different. I've slowly decorated the house and ran some very small errands, but really its been a season of chillin! Dave and I both have off the week in between Christmas and New Years. That doesn't seem like that far off, and its a little scary because my due date will be 3 weeks away at that point. I think that's a good time to wash baby clothes, install car seat, etc. But for now, let the chillin continue.



Monday, December 5, 2011

Baby Brain at its Best!

So I know I've talked about baby brain before and have shared a few stories about how baby brain has effected my life, as well as Dave's. Well, this weekend's events shed a whole new light on exactly how bad my baby brain really is these days.

With my sister and her husband coming into town, I ran a few errands. I went to Panera to pick up breakfast for the weekend, then stopped at Wawa to fill up my gas tank. Immediately thereafter I went to the wine store (sidenote - it really pisses me off that the State of Maryland insists we have to buy wine at a separate wine store versus the grocery store. What is that?) to stock up for the weekend, and then stopped at a gas station to fill up my car. So to recap, I went to Panera, then Wawa and filled up my tank, then the wine store, then the gas station to fill up my tank. In the words of Ferris Bueller, "life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." Yep, you read that right. In a matter of 15 to 20 minutes in a 3 mile span, I managed to forget that I had just filled my car up and went to a second gas station to fill up again. Oh, and it gets worse. Not only did I drive to the second gas station, but I stayed in line for about 5 minutes waiting for a pump to open, then pulled up to the pump, got out and tried to fill up. When the pump only allowed $.25 worth of gas before shutting off, I got pissed thinking I had one of those empty pumps that clicks on and off every 30 seconds (which is somehow the one I always get when I'm running late!). Then it hit me. Jackass, you already filled up 15 minutes ago. Wow. I have no words! It took me 2 hours after I got home to confess to Dave what I just did. He had no words either. Just a strange stare and a scratch of his head.

Well I have now reach 33 weeks. Wow, 33 weeks. As in 7 weeks to go. Emotions right now? Unbelievably excited and a little scared at the same time. I'm not so much scared of the birth part, I figure women have been doing this for quite some time and actually have more than one child so it can't be that bad right? But the afterwards scares me a bit. Will Grady be healthy and happy? Will I be able to breastfeed? Will I ever sleep again? How can I go back to work? Will my belly button ever look normal again? These are the things that scare me. How am I feeling right now? Well, let's just say I'm not skipping around town anymore! My back is not feeling 100%; my ankles and feet swell pretty easily - awesome, cankles; I feel like I can't get a full deep breath; and sleep is a thing of the past. Other than that, I'm feeling great. In all honesty, I still can't really complain and I would do this over and over again. Grady is the greatest blessing I have ever received and I cannot wait to see his little face and kiss his little feet. I'm just saying if he came a little earlier than 7 weeks from now I'd be ok with that!  Here I am at 33 weeks. I think Grady is feeling as uncomfortable as I am. He doesn't kick too much anymore, its more like an annoyed roll and scoot. I went to the doctor last week and since I don't have a sonogram until December 29 at 36 weeks, I asked the doctor if she could tell how he was positioned. Based on where she found his heart beat, he is butt up/head down. I had a feeling he was positioned this way because I keep seeing my stomach deform with a little hump towards the top left and I just assumed it was his cute behind. We can't wait for the 29th so that we get to see our little man. What an awesome birthday gift for Dave.

Thanks for stopping by!

