Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 26, 2012

7 Months Old

I find its getting harder and harder to keep up with my blog, but I'm adamant about posting something on his monthly birthday. So, happy 7 months old baby :)

This little guy is becoming quite the flirt. He has mastered the art of smiling with his eyes (as pointed out by Aunt Sarah). Everywhere I take him the ladies come over and tell him how cute he is and he just grins and flirts. Oh boy, I'm in trouble! He is Mr. Personality too. If he's not impressed with something, he growls...literally. 95% of the time, he's a happy camper though!

I am absoultely facsinated with watching him play. In the crib he talks to his stuffed animals. When in the family room he'll pick up balls or toys and talk to them, discover with them, and you can almost see his imagination at work.


Life with Grady is so much easier than in the beginning because I think we finally figured out his hints, like when he's hungry, tired, annoyed, wants alone time (which he gets from momma), etc. But, I am missing the infant stage more and more as I watch him grow. Don't get me wrong, I still think this age is by far my favorite (Dave reminds me each time I say that that I said that the month earlier), but I remember how slow his moves were, how he snuggled into my arms for several daily naps, his newborn hair, and I could go on and on. Its just a constant reminder to breathe in every second with him because it goes so fast.

At his six month check up, his pediatrician mentioned that babies who tend to sleep through the night at an early age (cue proud mommy moment) start to wake up in the middle of the night around 6 months. I told her probably not my little cherub, but I swear Grady heard her say that and decided to do just that. And starting that night for about 3 weeks he started waking up 2 to 3 times in the middle of the night. I was beside myself. I kept saying it will pass and I would go in, pick him up, and rock him back down. Finally into the 3rd week I decided enough was enough, no more excuses, and I "ferberized" him. Well, 2 nights later he's back to his old self, and actually sleeping in even later. THANK GOD!
Some sad news to report, we've dropped the crib because he learned to stand himself up, we got rid of the top portion of the pack-n-play, sent the Bumbo seat to the attic because his thighs are way too big, and he is just about over the weight limit for his little whale tub. Tear! Here's a picture of his little buddies who came over to play. Yes, Grady is only 2 1/2 weeks older than his friends (but they are twins who were born early so it makes sense he would be that much bigger, right?)
He's still a great eater, trying new things every day. We're onto chicken which I'm not sure he's in love with yet, but I'll keep trying. I have a feeling he's going to steal the spoon/fork and feed himself shortly. Mr. Independent!
He's not crawling yet, but he's so close. I just know I'm going to get a call at work from my nanny telling me that he crawled! Lord help us all. He's into everything already so its a whole new world when he becomes mobile. I admire his determination. When he sees something he wants (and why is it that its always the cell phone, remote, etc...things I don't want him to touch?) he will figure out a way to get it. Usually this involves him rolling around from side to side then sitting up and assessing his progress, then rolling around again until he makes it to his destination. Not conventional, but he gets where he wants to. Again, I admire his determination :)
He loves Porter more and more each day. Its so sweet!
He is now sitting up all of the time. And quite proud of himself too! I watch him in the middle of the night with my video monitor and he has gone from sleeping to rolling over, sitting up, and playing with his stuffed animals. Problem is sometimes he can't get himself to lay back down, so he'll look around and suck his thumb until he musters up enough courage to face plant into the mattress and eventually fall back asleep. And I'll lay in bed just smiling and laughing while watching him! 
We went on our first little family vacation, but you'll have to check in again because thats a WHOLE entire post in and of itself!


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Life Lately

Dave has made amazing strides with the addition. He had a crew of 5 come and finish the framing he started last weekend. So - we now have walls and a roof. Finally it looks like something I can relate to! I've been busy trying to decide on colors, fixtures, furniture...the fun stuff. I must admit I'm so excited to have a new master and bathroom, but its been so overwhelming. So far I've purchased our headboard from Pottery Barn (LOVE IT).

The colors are gray (maybe from these Benjamin Moore colors)

and a very, very light glass blue, and hints of silver and beige. No clue on the rest of the furniture, but more than likely it will be a dark, almost espresso color.

Here's what the addition is looking like these days...

Dave hasn't started on the existing 1/2 bath which will convert into our master bath, but I cannot wait!
If I've said this a hundred times before, oh well. Dave is an amazing husband and father and I have taken him for granted. I got so used to having him around and helping with the house stuff and Grady. He's just as overwhelmed as I am these days, maybe even more so. I had my first (of many I'm sure) meltdowns this weekend and told him I needed him around more, blah blah blah. Thank God Dave is such a good guy - instead of telling me what a crazy person I am, he just gave me a hug and asked what he could do to help. So, I dedicate this blog to my best friend, Dave. You're my rock, my world, and I love you more and more each and every day.



Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Breaking Ground

For the past 3 years we've talked about it, saved for it, planned for it, and now we're finally doing it. THE ADDITION! Dave is building our new master bedroom and bathroom and I don't think I can put into words how freaking excited I am. Dave is doing much of the work himself...pardon my lack of enthusiasm for that! I wish he would sub most of it out, but he is not having any part of that. This is why I sometimes call myself a construction widow (no offense to anyone!) He works all day for a semi-custom home builder and now comes home every night and dives right into the addition. Bless his heart. We're scheduled to be finished in early November. So while Dave is busting his butt in the dead heat of summer, I've been online shopping for linens, paint colors, and decorating ideas - poor me. Its not all that easy though. For the past 6 months I've been so lucky to have such an amazingly hands-on husband. He has been so good about making Grady his priority during this addition, but I lost my helper :( I hope he knows how much I appreciate him, and perhaps I took him for granted because I am really missing him now. I have such admiration and respect for single parents!

A major thanks to Jon and Meg for coming to town and helping us BOTH out. Meghan played with Grady (which meant mommy got a little break) and Jon was a tremendous help to Dave - pouring rain and all! I promise next time you guys come to Maryland it will not rain and we will eat crabs!

Thanks for my new "roar" toy Aunt Meghan!

To date ... foundation DONE! Dave is gearing up for the next phase - whatever that may be!

