Well my little ticker tells me there's 75 days left to go. I remember when we first found out we were expecting and I was about 5 weeks or so along, I immediately signed up for the Lilypie ticker and I swear it told me I had something like 280 days to go. I remember seeing friend's tickers that said 40 days, 100 days, etc. and I thought I would never get this far. I checked my ticker every single day for the first 20 weeks and got more and more excited as time dwindled down. Now that there's approximately 75 days left, I am so excited I can hardly stand it.
I'm still feeling pretty good, but noticing I'm slowing down a little bit and getting more tired at the end of the day, especially after work. I'm still trying to be as active as possible, but the couch is looking more and more appealing by the day. Sidebar - to all of my pregnant friends (and there are quite a few of you!) if you haven't purchased the body pillow - you have to immediately. I haven't slept this good in a long time.
Grady is more and more active, but those kick little kicks are packing quite the punch these days. The other night Dave and I were laying in bed watching TV and all of the sudden Grady kicked me so hard the whole bed shook and when Dave said what was that, I replied your son. We both laughed for a while. Sometimes the top of my tummy gets a really hard bump and I think its either his head or his butt and it makes it hard to move around and breathe. He's starting to roll now more than jump and kick and punch. I think his little home is getting smaller by the day. And speaking of smaller by the day, I think my belly button may disappear by the end of the week. Seriously, it is the weirdest thing I have ever seen. Anyway, here's a little video of Grady at work. Watch the remote very carefully!
I'm pretty sure I've felt him have a mean case of the hiccups, and of course it makes me giggle! I had a regular OB appointment last week and heard his little heart beat - it never gets old. In fact, every little thing Grady does amazes me. I know I've said this before, but I'm going to miss being pregnant and our little special connection. Having said that, I count the days until I get to see his little face and kiss his feet.
In other news, Dave and I had our first birthing class a few weeks ago. It was supposed to be 4 consecutive evening classes. Well, after class 1 we decided that was more than enough for us. Way to much information in class 1 and I can't imagine what 3 more classes would be like. The way I see it, women have been giving birth for a long time and no matter how much I prepare myself ahead of time, I'm going to do what I'm going to do when push comes to shove (no pun intended) so...
And here's the belly shot you've all been waiting for...
Stay tuned for some promised baby shower pics!
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