Trying to get this guy to sit still in his chair for his monthly photo op is impossible now! |
And here comes the broken record, but I can't believe how fast Grady is growing. He's an expert crawler, but that isn't enough anymore. ALL he wants to do is climb up and stand on things - his toys, the media console, the step up from the family room into the dining room, pretty much anywhere he isn't supposed to be is exactly where he wants to be!
So let's see, we have some firsts. First foods like crackers, Cheerios (I still don't know why I was soooo excited to give him Cheerios - weird!), turkey, apple juice, etc. We're allowed to try toast and cheese and stuff, but he still chokes on me so I'm taking this solid food thing VERY slowly! He is Mr. Independent and wants to feed himself too. He has mastered the sippy cup and even takes his water down one handed sometimes. He still twists his feet while eating - hence the nickname fancy feet, happy feet and/or twinkle toes.
And for my not-so-favorite first - he got sick for the first time. It was absolutely heartbraking. He woke up one night in the middle of the night screaming (very unusual) so I went in and he was burning up with a 102.8 fever. I panicked and woke Dave up (not sure why I thought that was a good idea but whatever) and pretty much stayed up with him all night. Took him to the dr. the next morning and they said sorry, he's caught a virus and there's nothing to do by Tylenol for the fever and lots of TLC. But, this developed into a nasty cold followed by bronchitis. His cough is the most pitiful thing I have ever heard. Because of the bronchitis, we have to do nebulizer treatments :( He hates it and crys at first, but after a minute of us smiling as big as we can and singing every nursery rhyme we know, he just sits and takes it until we've finished. I swear - he is so good at life! (Incidentally, he HATES Old McDonald Had a Farm - upper lip comes up and everything. And I secretely sing it sometimes just to see that upper lip come up - wouldn't you?)
He's now standing up in the crib - precious. I watch him in the mornings on the video monitor for as long as he lets me. He sits up, talks, plays with his crib friends, stands up, chews on the railings, and trys to stand without using his hands (which obviously doesn't work yet) so he falls down and starts the whole process all over again. Some mornings he'll do this for an hour, some not so much. Either way he's such a sweet pumpkin head in the mornings.
I'm noticing more and more the transformation from infant to toddler. Example, he's feet are growing longer and less chubby :( His legs are getting stronger and longer. He's starting to thin out :( His hair is getting longer. And the teeth are coming in at an alarming rate - 5 are totally in and 2 more are on their way down. On the plus side, his weight gain has slowed and he's holding steady at 20 lbs. The way he plays with his toys has changed alot too. He plays hide and seek with them, he inspects them, and he loves manipulating things - especially in the bath. He is fascinated with pushing his squirt toys down under the water and watching them come up to the surface. Every time he does this and the toy comes up he turns and looks at me with the biggest grin - almost like he's saying did you see thaaaaat mom?
And my favorite new thing, his curls. I could stare at them all darn day. Especially the ones that come out from where his ears are...good Lord they are too cute for words! But with this came his first gender mistake. The lady at Sams Club commented on how cute our baby girl was. Dave's stink eye was priceless. I just said thanks and we went on our way.
I have a feeling he'll be walking by 9 months!
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