Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

40 weeks and then some

Its official - I'm overdue. I keep telling myself that this means that he is already a laid back child just like his father and will not have my Monica from Friends quirks. But, that remains to be seen. Because I commute to work an hour each way, we decided it would be smarter for me to start maternity leave this week rather than continuing to go in until labor begins. I like the idea of being home and not at work or on the road should something happen. However, I HATE that he is now late and I am wasting maternity leave watching Bravo and MTV rather than holding my little guy. (for the record, there is NOTHING on tv during the day.) As stated above, I AM Monica from Friends and there is literally nothing for me to do around the house to pass the time. I actually rearranged my pantry and freezer yesterday out of bordem. Oh well, its still better this way.

As I sit and wait for Grady to do something, I am yet again reminded about how precious life is. A co-worker, Wanda, passed away this week after her almost two year battle with breast cancer. Thankfully it went rather quickly once she stopped chemo and Hospice was assisting her. But it sure puts things into perspective. This makes me want to squeeze the people I love just a little longer and tighter and tell them as often as possible how much I love them.

So for now, we wait. I have my next doctors appointment on Thursday at which time they will perform the fetal non-stress test to make sure Grady is doing good. If all is well, we will schedule the induction (hopefully for that night or weekend as opposed to making me go the full 2 weeks overdue!) I'm all for letting this little guy come when he is ready, but it scares me that he may be huge if we wait too long.

Stay tunned, hopefully my next post will have pictures of Grady!!!



Tuesday, January 17, 2012

1 week to go (hopefully)

As I write this post, Grady is having a case of the hiccups. God I am really going to miss this. I've been a little more emotional than usual these past few days. Partly because I'm anxious knowing that any minute Grady will be making his grand entrance into the world and Dave and I will become mommy and daddy - a new role we are both so eager to take on. But also because I will miss my pregnancy. I would be lieing if I didn't admit that I have wished some of the last two weeks away, especially the cankle situation and the fact that my left leg no longer appears to have a knee cap - so disturbing! (and while we're discussing swelling, if one more person tells me to drink more water I may go psycho on their ass! Seriously, I drink about a gallon a day and no I don't eat salty foods and it really doesn't matter, the swelling is here until I give birth.) But this little case of the hiccups right now, and my time with Dave when we lay in bed and just smile because we know our little monkey will be in between us soon, and the times when I totally freak myself out because I feel like an eternity went by since the last time I felt him move (which was probably only an hour or so) and I tap my fingers on my belly and within seconds Grady pokes me right back, almost as if he knows I just freaked myself out and he's saying "chill mom, i'm good." I will miss all of this so much.

I will admit, however, that all of the sudden I am terrified of giving birth. Up until this week, I hadn't given it much thought or concern. I had blindly taken the position that whatever happens happens and I totally meant it. Perhaps too many ladies I know have had horror stories of their recent births, or maybe I snuck in a few episodes of TLC's Baby Story, but for whatever reason I have now convinced myself that Grady is a 10 pounder and this is about to get ugly. And then there's the other "unmentionable" concern that NO ONE talks about...pooping. Yes, I said it, pooping ... as in pooping while pushing. I am TERRIFIED this is going to happen. I realize it happens to almost everyone, whether they will admit it or not, but I'm terrified that not only will I poop on the table, but with that will come the loudest fart ever. I've had this reoccuring dream - scratch that nightmare - that I'm pushing with everything I have and then bam, I poop and fart such a fierce fart that my doctor's hair goes flying back like he's riding down the highway with his windows down. (sidenote - I don't know why in this dream my doctor is a man b/c all of the OB docs in my practice are women - weird!) Oh well, no turning back now, but it does feel a little cleansing (no pun intended) to voice my concerns. Just sayin...

And with this comes what I hope to be my last belly shot... I'm sure you've noticed that the last two pics of my very large belly have not included my smiling face. No I am not trying to hide something hideous or anything, rather I'm completely out of energy when I get home from work, so belly shot is what you get :)

So you're probably wondering what the doctors say about my progress (and if you're not you should be!) Well, no changes whatsoever. I must admit I'm a little disappointed with each weekly visit because I thought for sure I'd be a little dialated. But no, nothing. I go back this Thursday and I may ask for a second opinion if she says still no changes! Of course I asked my doc how far they will let me go until they induce labor. I even gave this sob story about how far I commute to work (of course leaving out the fact that I've only worked 2-3 days a week for the past two weeks) and its the winter (not pointing out the obvious that its been 60 degrees out) and I'm swelling, blah, blah, blah. But all I got back was this look like "lady, get in line and you are NOT special" and she told me 14 days. Yikes. But because my doctors don't seem the slightest bit interested in inducing me around my due date, I've started trying a few home remedies myself. I had a little red wine - nada. I've been walking the mall like one of those cute old ladies you see in the morning - zip. I heard about this bakery in Charlottesville, Virginia that swears that women who eat their Lemon Drop cupcakes go into labor within hours so I baked my big ol' butt off and proceeded to eat 4 cupcakes - nothing. I may have tried another thing or two but I'm not getting into that! I'm hoping that Grady showing no signs of coming in the next day or two means that he will be really laid back.

For now, I will sit back and enjoy this little case of the hiccups and smile at the fact that whether Grady comes tomorrow or on the 23rd, he will be here in less than 3 weeks regardless and that absolutely melts my heart!



Sunday, January 8, 2012

38 weeks and definitely counting down every day

We had our 36-37 week ultrasound last week to determine the baby's position. Just as I thought, he's head down and butt up so he's probably as ready as I am to come out. We heard his little heartbeat, and I must admit it was a bitter sweet appointment. On the sweet side, we get to meet him very soon. In fact, we have graduated to full term so if I start having real contractions or my water breaks, the doctors won't stop the progress. On the bitter side, I have loved every minute of being pregnant and this special little bond I have with Grady in my belly which is slowly coming to an end. I will truly miss this amazing experience!

In the last few weeks I have had some pretty crazy dreams. I dreamed that everyone I know is pregnant, I dreamed that I've been pregnant for 6 years, I dreamed I gave birth on 495 (Capital Beltway), and I've actually started sleep walking and eating in my sleep. But, the scariest dream I had was giving birth and the doctor yelling "she's beautiful". I woke up in a full on sweat. Needless to say I was very reassured during our ultrasound this week when we saw his man parts very vividly on the screen. There is absolutely no denying Grady is a boy!

We finally finished the nursery and that was a huge accomplishment. Having that hang over my head was making me a little crazy. Baby clothes are washed, hospital bags are packed, car seats installed, and we are pretty much ready for Grady to come. I'm seriously considering pulling out all the tricks of the trade, i.e. raspberry herbal tea, massagem lots of exercise, etc., to get Grady to make his appearance. For some reason I am scared to death of going past my due date. I think I have a major fear he is going to be 9 lbs. Yikes!

This weekend Dave and I met Tatum Cataliotti, John and Sara's beautiful little peanut. She is so precious and we couldn't be happier for them. It was crazy holding this little newborn knowing that any given day I will be holding my own little (or big) newborn. What a reality check in deed, but a very good one nonetheless.

We also decided to have a night on the town - one last hoorah before Grady is here. Not to mention it was 65 outside and I needed to get out!!! So we went to Yellow Fin for dinner and drinks with Katie and Dan. Then we ventured to the water in downtown Annapolis and had more drinks and chocolate lava cake at Chart House. Dave and I very, very rarely order desert out. In fact, its probably been a few years since we have ordered desert. But, Chart House has the most amazing chocolate lava cake I have ever had and we couldn't resist. We had such a good time and it was a nice way to end one phase of our lives and start a new.

Here's a pic at 38 weeks (it was early and no shower yet, so this is just a belly pic!)

Stay tunned, there's no telling what the next post may hold!

