Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

40 weeks and then some

Its official - I'm overdue. I keep telling myself that this means that he is already a laid back child just like his father and will not have my Monica from Friends quirks. But, that remains to be seen. Because I commute to work an hour each way, we decided it would be smarter for me to start maternity leave this week rather than continuing to go in until labor begins. I like the idea of being home and not at work or on the road should something happen. However, I HATE that he is now late and I am wasting maternity leave watching Bravo and MTV rather than holding my little guy. (for the record, there is NOTHING on tv during the day.) As stated above, I AM Monica from Friends and there is literally nothing for me to do around the house to pass the time. I actually rearranged my pantry and freezer yesterday out of bordem. Oh well, its still better this way.

As I sit and wait for Grady to do something, I am yet again reminded about how precious life is. A co-worker, Wanda, passed away this week after her almost two year battle with breast cancer. Thankfully it went rather quickly once she stopped chemo and Hospice was assisting her. But it sure puts things into perspective. This makes me want to squeeze the people I love just a little longer and tighter and tell them as often as possible how much I love them.

So for now, we wait. I have my next doctors appointment on Thursday at which time they will perform the fetal non-stress test to make sure Grady is doing good. If all is well, we will schedule the induction (hopefully for that night or weekend as opposed to making me go the full 2 weeks overdue!) I'm all for letting this little guy come when he is ready, but it scares me that he may be huge if we wait too long.

Stay tunned, hopefully my next post will have pictures of Grady!!!



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