Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, February 27, 2012

One Month

I know everyone said it would go fast, but this is crazy fast. Grady is one month old today. One month... wow... It's safe to say it has been my favorite month ever!

He is changing so much every day its hard to keep up. I can't get over how big he is getting. No more newborn outfits or diapers - he has outgrown all of them. He definitely coos now and he follows you and turns his head to watch you walk by. He loves having a clean tushie and I swear he giggles a little afterwards, almost like he is saying haha you just had to clean my hiney. He loves bath time more and more. He is starting to play a little too. I put him down on his activity mat and he had a blast. (I have the cutest video of Grady kicking and cooing but apparently it is too large to upload)

He is a very good baby. He sleeps in 3 hour stretches most nights. However, he is grunting up a storm in his sleep so mommy and dadn't aren't sleeping in 3 hour stretches. The other night around 2:30 a.m. Dave and I both woke up to Grady grunting and straining - clearly he was working it out if you know what I mean. After a minute or two of hard core grunting, Grady let out honest to God at least 10 farts in a row followed by a definite explosion. Dave and I laughed so hard. I feel bad but his noises are hysterical. I realize he was having a difficult time, but I couldn't help but laugh. He makes the same grunting noise when he is trying to wake up from a nap. Waking up is very hard for him (I think he gets this either from Aunt Sarah or Grandma!) Here is a little sample of Grady waking up (make sure you scroll to the bottom of my blog and turn the music off on the MixPod gadget so that you can hear Grady's famous grunts).

I broke down and bought him a swing which proved to be a good move. This is how Dave and I get to sit down and have a warm dinner! During the day Grady likes to be held, so unless I stay up after his 5 am feeding when he goes down until 9 am, I really don't get much done around the house. Thank God for Dave because he comes home and takes care of business - he runs a tight ship (inside joke).

Grady does really well in his car seat and Baby Bjorn carrier. I have finally ventured out on my own and we went to the mall to walk and to Target. (Ok, so I may have shopped a little too but baby clothes are just too cute) He was such a good baby. This makes me feel better about the 6 hour car ride we are about to attempt as we head to Raleigh this weekend to see my family and have Grady's infant pictures taken. I'll let you know how the car ride goes - wish us luck!



Saturday, February 18, 2012

3 weeks old

I'm having a hard time believing my little snuggle bug is now 3 weeks old. Although it feels like forever ago when we were in the hospital, I still can't get over how fast he is growing. I had to retire all of his newborn sized clothes, and I will admit I teared up. I tried to put him in this adorable whale outfit that says "Little Squirt" on it (I know, so cute right?) and proud as could be picked Grady up and Dave said "you can't let him wear that, look at his legs". I looked down and his poor little yet long legs were all cramped up in the outfit and he couldn't stretch them out, which he LOVES to do as he is going #2. It was heartbreaking, but I took the outfit off. Everyone told me it would go fast, but this is too fast. As Grady is getting bigger and bigger, I keep dwelling on the fact that my maternity leave is getting smaller and smaller. How the heck am I going to leave my little guy during the week? Nope, not going to cry yet. Keep calm and carry on...

Grady has had quite a few visitors in the past week or two. I tried to remember to get pictures with everyone, but baby brain still exists and I missed a few. (sorry neighbors and David and Celeste!) Here's a few pics with some of his recent admirers...

Dave's Aunt Debbie and cousin Emily

My co-worker Theresa couldn't get enough of Grady

John, Sara, and Tatum Cataliotti came to meet Grady

Grady and Tatum hit it off

Grady met his cousins Makenna and Dylan

Makenna was so sweet with Grady. She sang him Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

Dylan was so excited to meet Grady.
Grady had a few more firsts in week 3. He had his first real bath - no more sponge baths :) He LOVED it. Well, at least we think he did because he didn't cry. He squirmed around a bunch though. I love bathing him and wrapping his little naked tushie in a towel. I can't get enough of that tushie!

First full bath and he is a big fan

We use the Aveeno lavender calming bath wash and lotion - OMG it smells like Heaven. I can't stop smelling him after bath time. Sometimes he looks at me like lady, back off. (He can give a mean stink eye!) And don't even get me started on his feet after bath time :)

Another first is that he started to coo. He's much better when I change his diaper and I think he's starting to like it a little bit. In his nursery his changing pad is directly under the whale paintings Aunt Ali made for Grady. When I change him, he stares up at the whales and chats and coos. It's precious. And while we're on the subject of firsts, he for the first time "christened" the whale painting. I mean this kid has a pee stream like I've never seen before and it shot up and hit the bottom of the painting. I couldn't get over it! Luckily I had wipes and washcloths right there so it didn't ruin the painting.

I know I won't be able to remember every little first of his, but I'm trying. We'll see what week 4 has to offer!



Monday, February 13, 2012

Bragging Rights

Before Grady came I didn't give much thought as to how my relationship with Dave would change. I assumed it wouldn't change too much, but I did expect some hard times. I have to say I am more in love with Dave now than I have ever been. Dave has always been a great guy and an even more amazing husband to me and I knew he would be an amazing father one day. Now I realize that Grady is only two weeks old, but I've never had to ask for help, Dave just does it. On the weekend, Dave gets up with Grady around 6 am and lets me sleep in for a few hours. Because I had to have a c-section, Dave really had to step up to the plate and do double duty. He was perfect.  I've always prided myself on being very self sufficient and independant. But for some reason that has all changed since Grady came into our lives. I have leaned on Dave so much and actually get teary eyed when he leaves for work.

While in the hospital but before Grady was brought to our room from NICU, Dave gave me a huge kiss on the forehead and told me how much he loved me. Then he gave me this beautiful diamond and garnet (January birthstone) ring and thanked me for Grady.

Everytime I wear this ring I tear up. Even though I tell Dave every chance I get that I am grateful for him and thank him for everything he does, I still don't know if he realizes how much I really appreciate him. I would not be who I am today without Dave - my best friend.

Watching Dave with Grady absolutely melts my heart too. He is so in love with his little guy and I know he can't wait to get him out on the boat and fishing. But for now, he is just as happy snuggling with Grady on the couch while watching the Caps play.

and so am I ...

I'm trying to update my blog once a week, we'll see how that works out :)



Thursday, February 9, 2012

Week 2

Well my little man (or my lil bird as I call him) is now two weeks old. Where is time going? On Monday he went for another well check-up at the doctor and he clocked in at 7 lbs 12 ounces. So as I write this post today, February 9, I'll bet he is all of 8 lbs. He is doing great. He usually sleeps in 3-4 hour stretches at night, sometimes in his bassinet and sometimes on my chest (he is just too little to sleep train right?) He loves his morning naps with mommy. I'm starting to watch the Today show and Live with Kelly, things I had only heard about before. We have very lazy mornings together and I love every minute of it. I can't believe how much he has changed in just two short weeks.

Seriously can't stop kissing these little monkey feet

I'm starting to learn all of his noises and faces. He has two very specific poop faces and everytime he makes those, I can't help but crack up. He is a grunter too. He is a good napper in the morning and late afternoon, but is very alert and awake mid-day. 

Last week my mother-in-law Lora came during the day while Dave was at work. She was a big help and made dinner each night. I am still a little nervous being home with a new baby by myself, so it was a relief having someone in the house with me. This week my mom and dad came and my mom has literally saved me. She has cooked, cleaned, spent time with me, spent time with Grady, given me advice, told me stories about being a new mom, and has just been amazing. Originally just my mom was coming for the week, but my dad decided to come too - the idea of watching the Superbowl with his grandson (he has 3 girls) was too much fun for him. I'm not sure what is going to happen next week without her! 

PopPop giving Grady a bottle for first time

Grady is such a snuggle bug

The very proud grandparents

In the past two weeks, I have learned some very valueable lessons about being a mom.

1.  Never leave home without a diaper bag (explosion in public taught me this one!) 
2.  Babies will cry and cough and gag, its ok.
3.  If you have a baby boy, you have to point his man parts south so that he doesn't pee all over himself and anyone who is holding him. (My mom had Google this pee problem for me - she is a mom of three girls!) 
4.  There is no such thing as a schedule with a newborn - just go with it.
5.  Even though I am a mom, I still so very much need mine.
6.  I was not prepared for how much love I would have for this baby boy!
7.  I actually do love coffee.

I've been playing with my camera a bit more now, especially since I'm feeling much better this week. Here's a pic my mom helped me with. Grady was all naked after a massive explosion (I call it a situation) and we were headed to the kitchen sink for a sponge bath when I took this picture. I promise we did not prop his hands up, he just loves his hands at his face!

Stop by again soon!



Monday, February 6, 2012

A week of many firsts

We were so excited to find out that my doctor was letting us go home a day early. We packed up fast and headed home where my mom and dad were anxiously awaiting Grady's first day at home.  I was just so anxious to get home and love on Grady in my own surroundings. Dave and I were also very curious how our first son, Porter, would handle out newest member of the family.

Snug as a bug for his first car ride home from the hospital

Well once we got home Porter was so good with Grady. He didn't try to jump on him or lick him, and in fact he never left Grady's side and still hasn't.  I am quite sure they will be best buddies.

Grady's first night home he did awesome.  He ate like a champ and slept in his bassinet most of the night. Dave and I couldn't stop smiling and kept saying how we couldn't believe he was finally here and he was ours. We are so smitten with this little guy.

First night home

Grady went to the doctor and received an A + report for gaining a few ounces. Everything else checked out fine too.  The nurses love this guy because he is such a snuggle bug.  
Car ride to doctor

And since he had such a good report and it was so nice out, we went on our first little walk around the neighborhood. We didn't make it far because I was still pretty sore.

Now since I found out I was pregnant one of the things I have been dying to do is bath a little baby. But I didn't realize you have to wait a while for the umbilical cord to fall off (gross!) So we gave him a sponge bath which he wasn't a big fan of. We gave him a sponge bath not only because I was dying to, but because he  peed on his head while we were changing him - oops!

I cannot stop smelling and kissing his little head

And one of my favorite firsts was Dave giving Grady his first bottle. Dave was pretty pumped about it. Grady drank that bottle up so fast. This boy loves to eat!

We hope you stop by soon as this little guy is changing by the second!



Grady's Birth Day

I woke up on Thursday, January 26 as if it were another normal day just sitting around waiting for Grady. I had a doctor's appointment scheduled to check for progress and to schedule the date I would be induced if Grady didn't come on his own. Dave decided to stay home from work just in case and take me to the doctor. At my appointment the previous Thursday I was already 2 cm dialated so I was keeping my fingers crossed that there would be more progress. At some point later in the morning, I was walking into my bedroom and stopped dead in my tracks. I felt a contraction but it was different from the Braxton Hicks contractions I had been having. Dave asked if I was ok and I told him I thought I was having a contraction. Dave's eyes lit up but I quickly reminded him that even if it were a real contraction this could take hours. I decided this was a good time to take a shower. My contractions, however, decided it was a good time to speed up. By the time I was showered and dressed, they were 4 minutes apart and get stronger by the minute. Dave called the doctor and we decided to go in earlier than my scheduled appointment. Good thing we did because by the time we got there my contractions were 3 minutes apart and STRONG. My doctor checked me out and said yep, its time to head to the hospital. Ah, music to my hears. I knew that meant in a few short hours (hopefully) I would be holding my baby boy in my arms - a moment I had been waiting for for a very long time!

We checked into AAMC and within one hour a very nice lady gave me some very nice medicine, a.k.a epidural. I thought it would only take the edge off, but I had zero pain after that. So things progressed quickly and naturally and by 8:00 p.m. it was push time. It was at this point that my doctor informed me that Grady was "sunny side up", meaning his head was facing up rather than down. Ok, so what? She then informed me that it would make pushing him and delivering vaginally very difficult, especially since I am a petite woman. Great. Here it comes. So she told me we would give it a good try and see what happens but a c-section is now part of the plan. Well that is not what I had in mind so I pushed my little heart out for 2 plus hours. I thought I was doing great, Dave even saw Grady's head. But, the gloves came off (literally - my dr. took her gloves off) and I immediately knew what was coming next. She said well my dear you progressed great and he moved down a lot, but its time to get you ready for a c-section, especially since he passed myconium and there is a concern he can ingest it. I tried so hard to be strong but I was losing it inside. I skipped that part in the book and I was absolutely terrified. Dave was amazing and kept reassuring me everything was fine. So off we went to the OR.

This other very nice man gave me some seriously nice medicine and I was completely out of it. I wasn't put under, but he asked me my name and I am not entirely sure what I told him but in my head I sounded like the Peanuts teacher. Dave stayed with me rubbing my head and hands and talking me through it. Grady arrived at 10:53 p.m. on Thursday, January 26. He weighed in at 7 lbs 8 ounces and 21 inches long. Poor little guy had a rough start to life though and had a 6 hour stay in the NICU because he wasn't breathing great on his own. Dave spent time back and forth between me and Grady. He is such an amazing guy and I am so blessed. I could not have done that without him!!! Ill touch on this more in another post.

There is a rumor that the NICU nurse brought Grady into the OR to see me for a minute, but I don't remember that. The first memory I have of seeing my precious newborn was when the NICU nurse finally brought him into our room around 5 am. I will never forget that first moment when I met Grady. It was truly life-changing. Since that time I havent stopped kissing his little head. Here are a few pictures of Grady's first days.

January 26, 2012 7 lbs 8 ounces 21 inches long
Nona and Grady meet for the first time

PopPop and Grady meet for the first time

Grandma and Papa meet Grady for first time

Aunt Katie, Aunt Ali and Uncle Darrin

Aunt Meghan

Aunt Sarah

Oh they love Grady so much

Yay were going home!

Daddy loving on his little guy

Very proud parents!

Even Grady was excited to go home

Court, Dave and Grady