Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, February 13, 2012

Bragging Rights

Before Grady came I didn't give much thought as to how my relationship with Dave would change. I assumed it wouldn't change too much, but I did expect some hard times. I have to say I am more in love with Dave now than I have ever been. Dave has always been a great guy and an even more amazing husband to me and I knew he would be an amazing father one day. Now I realize that Grady is only two weeks old, but I've never had to ask for help, Dave just does it. On the weekend, Dave gets up with Grady around 6 am and lets me sleep in for a few hours. Because I had to have a c-section, Dave really had to step up to the plate and do double duty. He was perfect.  I've always prided myself on being very self sufficient and independant. But for some reason that has all changed since Grady came into our lives. I have leaned on Dave so much and actually get teary eyed when he leaves for work.

While in the hospital but before Grady was brought to our room from NICU, Dave gave me a huge kiss on the forehead and told me how much he loved me. Then he gave me this beautiful diamond and garnet (January birthstone) ring and thanked me for Grady.

Everytime I wear this ring I tear up. Even though I tell Dave every chance I get that I am grateful for him and thank him for everything he does, I still don't know if he realizes how much I really appreciate him. I would not be who I am today without Dave - my best friend.

Watching Dave with Grady absolutely melts my heart too. He is so in love with his little guy and I know he can't wait to get him out on the boat and fishing. But for now, he is just as happy snuggling with Grady on the couch while watching the Caps play.

and so am I ...

I'm trying to update my blog once a week, we'll see how that works out :)



1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh I definitely teared up reading this post. Love it!
