Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Week 2

Well my little man (or my lil bird as I call him) is now two weeks old. Where is time going? On Monday he went for another well check-up at the doctor and he clocked in at 7 lbs 12 ounces. So as I write this post today, February 9, I'll bet he is all of 8 lbs. He is doing great. He usually sleeps in 3-4 hour stretches at night, sometimes in his bassinet and sometimes on my chest (he is just too little to sleep train right?) He loves his morning naps with mommy. I'm starting to watch the Today show and Live with Kelly, things I had only heard about before. We have very lazy mornings together and I love every minute of it. I can't believe how much he has changed in just two short weeks.

Seriously can't stop kissing these little monkey feet

I'm starting to learn all of his noises and faces. He has two very specific poop faces and everytime he makes those, I can't help but crack up. He is a grunter too. He is a good napper in the morning and late afternoon, but is very alert and awake mid-day. 

Last week my mother-in-law Lora came during the day while Dave was at work. She was a big help and made dinner each night. I am still a little nervous being home with a new baby by myself, so it was a relief having someone in the house with me. This week my mom and dad came and my mom has literally saved me. She has cooked, cleaned, spent time with me, spent time with Grady, given me advice, told me stories about being a new mom, and has just been amazing. Originally just my mom was coming for the week, but my dad decided to come too - the idea of watching the Superbowl with his grandson (he has 3 girls) was too much fun for him. I'm not sure what is going to happen next week without her! 

PopPop giving Grady a bottle for first time

Grady is such a snuggle bug

The very proud grandparents

In the past two weeks, I have learned some very valueable lessons about being a mom.

1.  Never leave home without a diaper bag (explosion in public taught me this one!) 
2.  Babies will cry and cough and gag, its ok.
3.  If you have a baby boy, you have to point his man parts south so that he doesn't pee all over himself and anyone who is holding him. (My mom had Google this pee problem for me - she is a mom of three girls!) 
4.  There is no such thing as a schedule with a newborn - just go with it.
5.  Even though I am a mom, I still so very much need mine.
6.  I was not prepared for how much love I would have for this baby boy!
7.  I actually do love coffee.

I've been playing with my camera a bit more now, especially since I'm feeling much better this week. Here's a pic my mom helped me with. Grady was all naked after a massive explosion (I call it a situation) and we were headed to the kitchen sink for a sponge bath when I took this picture. I promise we did not prop his hands up, he just loves his hands at his face!

Stop by again soon!



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