Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 31, 2012

2 months old!

This little guy is growing up so fast. We just had his two month check-up and he is 13 lbs, 23 inches long. Grady is one healthy, happy baby boy. As his pediatrician, who I absolutely adore, was checking him out, Grady gave her big smiles. Needless to say, A+ report from the doc.

He has learned to roll on his side. This means mom is now very nervous and crib bumper is gone. Every night after he goes down and before I go to sleep, I walk in and just stare at him. He is such a good sleeper. Ever since we moved him from the bassinet at 4 weeks old, he sleeps "through the night". (Sleeping through the night at his age is anything over a 5 hour consecutive stretch.) The bassinet was Dave's mom's originally and 34 family members have slept in it since. Each baby has their name and date of birth written on the bottom under the mattress. Grady is number 35 - how cool?

After bath time (still his favorite) he goes down around 8 pm and doesn't usually wake up until 2-3 am and then goes right back down until 6 - 8 am. God love this kid! When he wakes up for his middle of the night feeding, he doesn't cry. He lets out a few yelps and we all sware it sounds just like he is saying "hey". It is hysterical and I'm going to try to get it on video so that I can always remember it. Im hoping in the next few weeks he will skip the middle of the night feeding and sleep 10-12 hours straight. But even if he doesn't I am not complaining about his sleeping habits one bit!

His face is changing more and more each day and maybe its wishful thinking, but I think he has my smile. He still looks like mini-Dave, but I see a little something different now. Some say he looks like my mom and I can see that too.

We couldn't be more blessed with such an amazing addition. As we celebrate 5 years of marriage today, we can't stop smiling and thanking God for such a wonderful little family.



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