Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

9 weeks old

Well my little guy is growing by the day - literally. I have retired a bunch of his clothes that were size 0-3 month (yes I realize he is only 2 months old). I was just looking at his one month pictures and I can't believe what can change in a month. It truly is the miracle of life.

I can get him to giggle now and it may be the best thing I have ever heard. He actually giggled for the first time when my dad was here while I was in the hospital. Now he does it all the time, especially while we change him. This kid loves being naked and bath time and changing time are his favorites. When you talk to him he looks right at you and smiles, coos and laughs. When I give him a bottle and he looks right at me and if I smile at him he will smile back but at the same time continue to drink from his bottle so milk comes streaming down both of his cheeks. I just laugh and laugh and that gets him going even more. What a mess!

Grady's new thing is his thumb. I mean this kid really LOVES his thumb. It has changed his sleeping habits too. GRADY IS SLEEPING 11 HOURS STRAIGHT - WAHOOOO! Ever since he found his thumb he can put himself back to sleep when he wakes up. Now, he will stir throughout the night but its not until the "yell" that I know he's ready to be picked up, changed and fed. I really need to get this yell on video because it is too funny. But really, he is 9 weeks old and sleeping from 8 pm until about 6-8 am. I am so grateful to have such a healthy, happy baby. In fact, the only time he fusses is when he is hungry and boy does he let me have it when its time. He cracks me up because half way through his bottle when I stop to burp him, he gets down right pissed off and throws a mini temper fit. Again, I can't help but laugh. And if I don't get the bottle back to his mouth fast enough he feverishly shoves his hands and thumb in his mouth while making a weazing sound. I should try to get this on video too.

Grady had his first Easter and he was adorable. Dave and I woke up and went to Church early, and like the amazing baby he is, Grady slept through the entire mass. I went shopping several times before Easter to find a cute outfit and I was having a hard time finding something cute enough that wasn't going to cost a small fortune. (Because Grady is growing so fast, its hard to keep him in any outfit long enough which makes it hard for me to buy expensive clothes for him - even if they are the cutest outfits ever!)  Then I remembered that Dave's mom gave us some of Dave's baby clothes, so Grady went vintage this Easter, what a hipster!

His outfit says "Mommy's Little Peep" - how stinking cute is that?

Obviously Dave was a little smaller than Grady so its a bit snug. He will not be happy with me later in life when he sees these pictures! Easter was bitter sweet for me. I have so many found memories of the Easter egg hunts we had at Nana and PopPop's house with my cousins, but I am sad because his house went on the market this week. I stay positive though because I know that Frank "the fingers" G is watching over Grady all of the time. And I am excited about what the future has in store for Grady because I know he will have the same great memories and experiences that I had growing up. I can't wait for next Easter when he is just learning to talk and getting into everything!



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